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Don't sue in Court,

chose arbitration instead!


Swift - Confidential - Affordable


Arbitration is a private tribunal which is a quick and affordable alternative to prosecution in regular Courts. The parties submit their dispute to an arbitrator, whose decision will be final and without appeal.

Arbitration can generally replace a trial at the Superior Court, the Court of Quebec, its Small Claims Division, or the Régie du Logement. There is no maximum amount for claims that a litigant can make!


In Quebec, an arbitration award has the same value as a judgment of the Court, and can even be homologated if necessary to ensure its execution!



While courthouses are paralyzed due to the pandemic, it is still possible to obtain justice from Arbitration Montreal, since our services are available by videoconference!



A swift solution

While waiting times to appear before a judge are normally 12 to 18 months, Arbitration Montreal could settle your dispute definitively in as little as 12 to 18 days .


A confidential process

A judgment from the Court will be public, and could therefore negatively affect your reputation, including your credit rating! Arbitration is, on the contrary, entirely confidential.

An accessible formula

Arbitration Montreal offers you a flexible and affordable formula: the parties represent themselves without a lawyer, and give the arbitrator a lot of leeway in the conduct of the trial. You will be guided at each step by your arbitrator, who will also provide you with computer tools to help you!


In addition, all of the costs are reimbursed to the successful party, meaning that your arbitration end-up not costing you anything!


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Convenient hours

At Arbitration Montreal, we understand that you are busy during office hours. That's why we offer flexible and accommodating hours, including evenings and weekends! In addition, Arbitration Montreal offers you the possibility of carrying out your audience remotely thanks to videoconferencing!

Ready to start?

Contact us at the following phone number or email, or using the form below to start your process. We will get in touch with you as soon as possible, and provide you with an arbitration agreement to sign to start the process and settle your dispute as soon as possible!

I want to use arbitration!

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